Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Final Blog Post

     In today's world, it is impossible to live without technology. We use technology in almost everything and it has clearly become an important part of our daily lives. The evolution of technology is a great blessing to humans for several reasons since it impacts almost every field and industry. Social media is one of the key developments in communication technology. Social media has given people the ability to connect with others anywhere and anytime. It has become greatly influential in the contemporary world. Social media and its power are changing the world on a daily basis in both big and small ways. However, like any other powerful tool, it serves both as a curse and a blessing.

    It is probably during the Covid-19 pandemic that most people in the world made use of social media. As we were deprived of physical interaction with other people, we became heavily reliant on social media for all types of interaction. Even my parents who are not such great fans of social media had to acknowledge that is somehow a blessing. With the curfews, shopping online and having goods delivered was something to be grateful for. They also use their free time playing puzzles online with lessened the pressure of the pandemic. I also cannot forget that I was able to study online and attend meetings via zoom and facetime. Even though the physical world was somehow contracting, social media made it expand and made things feel a little more bearable. During this period, I had the opportunity to travel the world from my bedroom and I stayed in touch with friends. During the pandemic, most people including adults found social media to be a great blessing. The benefits of social media are not limited to a pandemic. Every day, when the technology is used properly, it offers an opportunity for people to interact, and share thoughts and perspectives about different matters. People also get to share their experiences and expand their knowledge and understanding of various issues and generally the world.

    As a young person who constantly uses social media, I am often inclined to focus on the wonderful things that are achieved through social media. I often like to believe that social media is a platform to connect people and change the world for the better. It is undeniable that social media encourages communication and promotes modern ways of learning. The notion that the blessings and benefits of social media outweigh its disadvantages and downfall might also be true. However, as I think about my life, social life, and that of my friends I am inclined to think otherwise. That may be the dark side of social media that should not be ignored anymore. Most of my friends and people I interact with admit feelings of disconnect from people despite spending a lot of time on social media. I can also admit that too much social media makes me feel a little anxious and lonely. 

    Every time individuals are at a party or social gathering waiting for a friend to arrive or the event to start, individuals tend to look at social media to kill the time. They typically do this to avoid feeling awkward or to start conversations with people they do not know. This is a form of social anxiety and it makes people use social media to temporarily feel connected to other people. 

    However, when someone unplugs from the apps, the feeling of connection disappears. Other than that, it is also clear that excess and unhealthy use of social media makes users have low self-esteem (Catholic Medical Association, 2021). My friends and I often discuss how we think our friends on Instagram appear to have better lives than ours. We often talk about how some people we follow on social media apps are cooler, funnier, and smarter. Such experiences lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among many young social media users. 

    According to statistics, there is an increase in cases of depression and suicide among young social media users in the United States. This is because many teenagers across the world are disconnected from the people around them. 

    Although they spend many hours glued to their phones and interacting with others online, they are isolated from the people around them. Other than that, there are different categories of mental health problems related to social media use (Jeeremy Nobel, 2018). Illnesses such as social media dysmorphia have been identified to result from manipulative traits of media. These aspects function through algorithms made to assess and shift human behavior for the financial profits of the third parties. It is a kind of brainwashing for the persons involved. Therefore, although social media has its blessing and numerous benefits, it is important to use it in moderation. The dark side of social media and technology should not be ignored. Social media is equally a curse and makes most users lonelier. The mental health problems associated with unhealthy social media use are adverse and people should come up with better strategies for using social media. As Sophocles says, "Nother enters the world without a curse." 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Blog Post #9 Age of AI

     The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) marked a tremendous technological revolution in solving human problems. As a result, numerous undertakings continue to rely significantly on AI and machine learning (ML), with companies drawn from various sectors embracing more complex aspects of AI and ML. However, while AI and ML offer remarkable benefits, they comprise substantial cons related to security even though the solutions lie within the same AI framework. This video is interesting and educative as it portrays how AI has transformed various industries, depicting computer superiority over humans. 

    The AI video delimits various developments aligned to AI, emphasizing its implications in the commercial industry. For instance, complex AI and ML can marshal vast amounts of data that humans can barely handle in executing a process and predict an outcome for the prosperity of a business. At the same time, AI can increase efficiency by eliminating human error, hastening data processing, and allowing prompt decision-making. The use of AI and ML to help optimize operation, foster inventions, enhance security, and improve real-time communication is the hallmark idea of interest in the film. Illustrations of how the logistics industry is evolving, particularly trucking, assert quick freight deliveries, and zero highway deaths through self-driving to reflect appropriate solutions for part of human problems through AI. Further, the video documents how AI in the medical field can help accurately predict an individual's current health state as well as a stipulated time in the future. Imitating human intelligence and replicating it in machines can advance operations requiring technological input as key industries endeavor to incorporate complex task-orientated processes. 

    The privacy aspect emerges in the video eliminating the inadequacies of AI and ML, given that multiple data breaches can become imminent, more so when AI generates unauthenticated personal data. Unfortunately, primary stakeholders and proponents of artificial intelligence are reluctant to talk about the negative side of AI and ML, including the misuse of personal data and job losses. The narrator underscores facial recognition, an aspect that comprises pros and cons correspondingly. For instance, law enforcement agencies can integrate AI when pursuing criminals through facial recognition to identify lead perpetrators. While this development is an advantage delimiting the ability to search through large databases quickly, artificial intelligence can violate privacy data policies allowing persistent surveillance procedures and attracting potential lawsuits. 

    AI and national security embody the advances that government, security agencies, and technology stakeholders have embraced to foster social stability and domestic security. The video suggests that artificial intelligence helps scan the possibility of political and civil unrest in real-time, keeping people informed and cautious of their actions and discouraging them from unlawful facial recognition technology at various points and tracking getaway cars. Conversely, state surveillance can enhance national security since AI simplifies monitoring suspicious behavior patterns. Lastly, online security and identity theft mar the image of AI considerably. However, with security advances in AI and ML learning, stakeholders have made notable progress in protecting personal information, including driver's license and social security numbers, in overcoming security challenges. The video revealed startling facts where users and third-party beneficiaries of AI and ML reluctantly embrace technological regulation withstanding the security and accountability benefits they offer. Yet, questions such as "who will talk about the negative side of AI and ML?" and "why do people dismiss technological regulations?" remain unanswered. 

Blog #8 Key Post

 Concept of a Whistleblowers

    A whistleblower refers to an employee who discloses wrongdoing by their private or public employer of the sort that injures a large number of people or violates public law. Ideally, the whistleblowing concept has become a priority agenda across the corporate governance realm prompting the promotion of legislation intended to protect those who disclose illegal, unethical, unsafe, and fraudulent conduct within an organization. There is an increased need for organizations to be transparent and accountable in their operation, meaning that a more proactive approach to handling the disclosure of illegal and non-ethical behavior is required. For whistleblowers, the implications of their actions could be both positive and negative.

    The main advantage of a whistleblower is that he/she brings to light ongoing illegal actions, ensuring that the wrongdoings seize to occur, and the responsible parties are held accountable. He/she also allows organizations to develop more stringent policies to ensure that similar behavior does not continue happening. Whistleblowing could force organizations to conduct policy changes that are beneficial to the workers as well as the entire society. A good example is the case of Jeffrey Wigand 1996 who insinuated that smoking tobacco leads to addiction. These actions resulted in a change in the company's policies which benefited the employees and increased public awareness of the effects of smoking which benefited society.

    One of the main drawbacks of becoming a whistleblower is that it may negatively impact their career due to decreased chances of getting a promotion or finding another job. Some laws exist to protect whistleblowers, for instance, OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program from retaliation from their employers, but other organizations may feel uncomfortable hiring someone who discloses company information to the public. 

    In some cases, the relation by the employer could extend to the whistleblower's family members, causing them harm. The relationship with co-workers could also be hugely affected as they may be afraid of trusting you with confidential information. The whistleblower may also experience stress and possibly lead to mental illnesses if the actions of the whistleblower affect a larger group than intended. Mistreatment from co-workers and the public could also induce stress and promote psychological problems. 

    It is essential that one analyzes the impact of their actions on those that will be linked to whistleblowing. Before blowing the whistle on ongoing illegality, the leaker should assess whether the matter concerns private or public matters. Information that surrounds an individual's personal issues, such as their sexual orientation, financial status, or personal messages, may require consideration of the proprietor's privacy rights since leaking the information to the public may cause them more harm with no positive impact on the society.

    However, issues concerning the public, such as the actions of an individual holding a position in a public institution whose illegal actions affect the public, may not qualify for a privacy claim. The whistleblower consequently ought to evaluate the good and potential harm that their actions could have. Protection of lives, as well as public resources, necessitates whistleblowing.

    Whistleblowing is a sensitive aspect and an emerging issue in corporate governance. It has both positive and negative repercussions, and a whistleblower ought to assess the potential impact of the information they wish to release. In the instances where whistleblowing may negatively impact a particular group in society or promote an existing negative stereotype, it may be necessary to consider alternatives for solving the problem other than using whistleblowing. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Blog Post #7

     The common analogy that the internet does not forget is true to a great extent. I might not have personally encountered a situation where I would regret what I have posted on my social media accounts or any other online platform. Perhaps, I am too slow to share my stories or I am careful to elicit discussions about myself. The fact that it is almost impossible to retrieve a message once it has been put online deters me from engaging on the internet. In fact, I have seen the lives of my friends and family ruined by messages they shared on social media networks. One of my close relatives lost an employment opportunity after the prospective employer established that he had made negative comments about it in the past on a social media platform. Unfortunately, many young people are making similar mistakes online as has been narrated in this link: Technology and how it is bad for young people. Even though the government can do nothing about what people decide to share online, it can formulate laws to require online platforms to educate their users on how to use the Internet responsibly. Users need also to be more careful while they engage online. 

    The justification that the police provide for mass surveillance is to enhance security. However, the reality tends to suggest otherwise as criminal activities are on the rise. My house was once broken in and items stolen. The police did not arrest the intruders despite CCTV footage showing their faces. I also have friends and family who have been victims of similar criminal activities and the police did not arrest the offenders or took too long to make the arrest. It would appear that the police are spending too much time and effort on the surveillance of innocent people and forgetting about the criminals. 

    When people know that the government is spying on them, they might choose to change their behavior, interaction, and usage of space as explained in this link: https://www.nyclu.org/en/news/reduce-power-police-we-must-protect-our-privacy In addition, the government does not have a justification for storing private data of people indefinitely. They should only retain data of persons they suspect are engaging in illegal activities. For the citizens, it is time to call for lawmakers to repeal laws that permit the police to spy on them. 
    It seems that encryption is the only weapon we have to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy. With encryption of messages and calls, the police cannot tap into communication between people. They might know who I talked to, but they cannot know what we talked about. 

    I think this is the right move for our privacy and security back. It gives me confidence while engaging in conversations with my friends and family as I know that a third party cannot get the information. I have been a victim of data theft in which my personal data was stolen from a website of an organization I had interacted with in the past. I also have friends and family who have been victims of similar breaches. The government should require tech companies t incorporate encryption features in their products to ensure safe communication over the Internet. The users of the internet and other telecommunication services should activate encryption of messages on their devices to deter tapping by third parties. 

    Posting intimate photos and threatening a significant other or another individual about posting these photos is blackmail. I think this kind of blackmail in relationships is more dangerous than even police surveillance. The government should quickly introduce laws to criminalize such acts and tighten the loopholes in the existing laws. It should also make it easy for victims to request the removal of the images from the internet. As users of the internet and potential victims, it is important to look for red flags in relationships and assess the amount of threat that our partners pose with regard to the issue of digital domestic violence. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Blog Post #5

    Strong antiwar voices are shunned in mainstream media. Although the internet gives antiwar movements a platform to reach millions of people, they are blacked out by the media due to their divergent views. Over the past few decades, the United States has waged many wars beginning with the bombing of Iraq and other combat operations in the Middle East. The media has sided with the government's narrative that the wars are necessary and benefit the U.S. as a paragon of democracy in the world. Antiwar voices are forced to rely on their websites because they are considered too radical for the mainstream media. While their antiwar sentiments may be rational and well-founded, they are deemed controversial. The media is inclined to support the government while benefiting economically from the news interest spikes. The mainstream attempts to remain the primary source of information during the war to attract higher ratings.

    The media and their parents' organizations love war due to the interest it sparks among the citizens. The life and death stories from the war captivate viewers and increase the ratings of the different programs. A new war creates headlines, content for front pages, and topics for morning shows. While the reporters are not directly seeking to fight, the incentives of reporting war are essential to their careers; thereby. hard to resist. Journalists are inclined to highlight the success of the country on the different war fronts. This boosts American nationalism and heroes among the population. Additionally, propagating the views of antiwar activists is construed as furthering the propaganda of the enemy. For example, a person denouncing the US government's aid to Ukraine is considered to be supporting Russian aggression and expansionism. The television organization is likely to receive negative reviews and bad publicity. Hence, economic interests influence mainstream media houses to shun antiwar voices. 

    Various organizations use their websites to campaign against America's involvement in armed conflicts. For example, United for Peace and Justice denounces the US government's involvement in the Middle East and its high military spending. In addition, the Answer Coalition opposes the global wars and the varying levels of participation by American soldiers. Despite their efforts to raise awareness of the antiwar movement, they are not widely accessed by the public. Although the mainstream media has shunned antiwar voices, they can use their websites to attract new members to the movement. These organizations should publicize themselves extensively in cyberspace to compensate for the blackout from the mainstream media. 

    Individuals forage on the internet to access obscure sites to hear strong antiwar voices. Despite the proliferation of the internet, traditional media still plays a major role in the dissemination of information. Television and radio stations largely shape the opinions of the public on various issues, including war. The positive support emanating from traditional media organizations creates a perception that many of the citizens back the government's narrative. The media blackout on strong antiwar voices limits their visibility on the internet. An interested ready is forced to purposively look for antiwar websites to hear divergent opinions about the American government's involvement in the war. Besides, most of the population accepts the mainstream narrative about these wars. The lack of prominent antiwar crusaders adversely affects their efforts to create public awareness. Hence, the public should purposely search for antiwar websites to hear divergent voices on the different wars waged by the US. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Blog Post #9 Diffusion of Innovation

     Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and outshined the most social media network, Myspace, four years later. Nonetheless, its popularity has declined mainly due to the introduction of other major social media platforms. TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. The diffusion of innovation, a theory popularized by Everett Rogers in his 1962 book, Diffusion of innovation, can explain Facebook's growth and decline over the Years. 

    Ideas and innovations spread over time. The diffusion of innovation is a theory that explains the dissemination of ideas and innovations. Rogers refers to the communication of ideas and innovation within social systems as diffusion. Also, their dissemination to adopters requires social capital, time, and proper communication channels. The first adopters are those that devise the ideas or innovations, followed by those who accept the ideas or innovations early on, which Rogers calls the early adopters. Subsequently, more people adopt the ideas or innovations; such individuals are known as the early majority. Those who take their time to embrace the ideas or innovations are referred to as the late majority, while the last to accept them are the laggards. The cycle of adopters or innovations proposed by Rogers' diffusion theory demonstrates the spread of Facebook globally.

    Facebook boasts of many early adopters. It attracted 1 million users within its first year of existence (Sedghi). The number increased steadily over the years to make the most used social media platform by 2013. The monthly users grew to 6 million, 12 million, 58 million, 145 million, 360 million, 608 million, 845 million, 1.056 million, and 1.230 million from 2005 to 2013 (Sedghi). The figure stands at 2.93 billion as of the end of 2021. Facebook surpassed other popular social media platforms, like LiveJournal, Friendster, and MySpace, to become the most preferred platform for several reasons. Facebook capitalized on the wave of social networking already created by its predecessors through broadband availability and internet penetration. It also learned from its mistakes like rapid expansion and underlying technological issues. Moreover, the platform was clean and non-customizable. Lastly, it was marketed to specific market segments; hence the early adopters comprised high school and college students and later corporate employees. Regular innovation to the platform like the addition of tools and technologies, increased early majority users (Press). Thus, Facebook owes the rapid growth after its inception to its effectiveness and innovations. 

    The late adoption of Facebook was caused by age restrictions and the presence of other similarly popular social networks. Like other social media platforms, Facebook restricts users based on age. Before it was reduced to 13 years, one could only join once they reached 18. This limitation and the availability of many other social media platforms saw many people delay using Facebook. However, they were not significant issues as the social network's usage spread worldwide. Still, some people joined Facebook too late, while others are yet to embrace it. Aloudat et. al attribute their reluctance to perceived security issues, inappropriate content, lack of interest, uselessness, lack of control, peer influence, privacy concerns, and absence of trust, culture, and religious beliefs. Although the platform could help me stay in touch with my family and friends, keep them up to date about my life through sharing my pictures and videos, and access helpful information. I think that Facebook is overall not as popular with this generation of young adults and they enjoy Instagram and Snapchat more. 

Blog Post #6 Learning to Fly a Drone

    Drones are increasingly being used in many fields including videography and photography and are standard equipment in undertaking these tasks. Other people, however, simply like using drones for recreational purposes. My friend recently taught me how to fly a drone as a beginner and I found it to be quite easy once I got the various operation needed to steer it. 

    The first step that I had to learn was how to control the drone. My friend explained to me that the drone is operated using a transmitter or a remote controller. I noticed that this device resembled a gaming controller since it had joysticks and buttons that served various purposes. My friend explained that while some models of drones can be quite complex, they usually have similar functions and features. He explained that the pilot of the drone operates the left and right stick using their thumbs. Using the sticks, the pilots can make the drone go left, right, up, down, or even diagonally. 

According to my friend, the most important function of any controller include:
  • Throttle
  • Yaw
  • Pitch
  • Roll
My friends explained these concepts to me as follows:

    The throttle controls the amount of power sent to the drone's motors, allowing for faster or slower flying speeds. The drone's altitude is adjusted by moving the left stick up and down. When flying, users frequently control the throttle in tandem with the right stick functions, so it's critical to become familiar with this function.
    Yaw is the clockwise or anticlockwise rotation of the drone. The drone rotates anticlockwise by moving the left stick left and right. These maneuvers are key in enabling the user to turn the unmanned aerial vehicle in different directions without having to move it from its current location. 
    Pitch describes the forward or backward inclination of the drone. The drone moves forward and backward. This movement is achieved by moving the right stick up and down. According to my friend, while it may appear simple, utilizing the throttle and flying the drone with the drone facing you rather than the other way around makes it more difficult, so practice is required. 
    The term "roll" describes the movement of the drone to the left or right. The drone will fly and "roll" along the left and right sides. This movement is realized if you move the right stick left and right. This is especially useful for navigating trees and other barriers without having to change the drone's altitude or y-axis location. 
    Once I learned the basic concepts of how to fly a drone, my friend advised me on how I can get practical experience of flying a drone. The first thing to do is to find an open space for practice that has no obstacles and to make sure that it is permitted to fly a drone there. The next step is to position the drone well before takeoff, ideally on a flat surface. The next step was to connect the transmitter to the drone. According to my friend, it is important to push the throttle down right before you turn on the transmitter. Afterward, one should connect the unmanned aerial vehicle's batteries after turning on the transmitter. This is a crucial action that must be followed both before and after takeoff. After your flight, reverse the processes by disconnecting the unmanned aerial vehicle's battery and then turning off the transmitter. The next thing my friend taught me was how to do basic drone maneuvers such as taking off, landing, hovering, and rotating.
    I found that learning to fly a drone was quite easy once I had practiced enough. After practicing for a full week, I was able to fly a drone relatively well. In my opinion, learning how to fly a drone is an increasingly important skill and more people should learn the basics of flying a drone. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Blog Post #4 Key Post EOTO

In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The telephone revolutionized communication, allowing people to communicate over long distances. The telephone has also facilitated businesses to communicate with customers and suppliers. The invention of the telephone was a breakthrough in communication technology. Apart from economic value, the telephone's impact on culture is major. For example, the device has facilitated the movement of people to other cultures without losing touch with their origin community. The telephone has also facilitated the development of other communicative technologies such as radio. Arguably, the telephone is the greatest communicative invention in history.

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father, Alexander Melville Bell, was a professor of elocution; his mother, Eliza Grace Symonds, was the daughter of a wealthy London merchant. The family moved to Canada in 1870. There Bell worked with the deaf and developed an interest in acoustics. In 1876 he invented the telephone. Although Elisha Gray also claimed to have invented the telephone that year, Bell received the patent, with the former making an application for a similar recognition several hours later. In 1877 he founded the Bell Telephone Company. Bell also did important work in hydrofoil design and aerial reconnaissance; however, the telephone remains his most notable invention. See more here: Invention of the Telephone  
It was a crude device that could only transmit a few words before requiring new batteries. It used direct current (DC) instead of the more expensive and less reliable alternating current (AC). The first public demonstration of the telephone took place in Boston in 1877. 

The first significant improvement to the telephone came in 1877 when Bell patented the idea of using a metal diaphragm to amplify sound waves. The advancement enabled the transmission of voice signals over long distances (Aronson, 1977). The next crucial improvement to the telephone came in the early 1900s, with the development of the rotary dial. This addition made it possible to dial phone numbers much faster than before. Another major improvement to the telephone came in the form of touch-tone dialing, in the 1950s (Grosvenor & Wesson, 2016). Touch-tone dialing allows users to enter phone numbers by pressing buttons on a keypad. In the late 20th century, the telephone incorporated digital technology that facilitated the wireless transmission of voice and data signals over long distances. Digitalization led to the development of mobile phones that have permeated almost all of civilization. The most recent and significant improvement to the telephone came in the form of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). 

Elisha Gray was another inventor who played a vital role in the invention of the telephone. He began experimenting with ways to transmit sound over electrical wires. Gray filed a patent for his telephone in 1876, just a few hours after Bell filed his patent. Johann Philipp Reis was a german scientist who invented a device called the "make-and-break" telephone in 1861. This device could transmit sound over very short distances. 

The first telephone had a profound impact on the economy. For example, the invention increased productivity and efficiency for businesses. Businesses could communicate with customers and suppliers quickly and easily. The telephone also created new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses. It helped connect people across vast distances, making it easier to conduct business transactions and expand markets. Overall, the invention of the telephone was a vital step forward in the development of modern communication systems. 

The first telephone had several negative effects. One was that it led to a massive increase in telemarketers. The increase resulted from phone companies mass-producing phones and selling them to anyone who could afford one. The increase led to intrusive and annoying phone calls by salespeople. Another detriment associated with the telephone facilitation of crimes such as identity theft and fraud. Governments and associated agencies would also listen in on the conversation, thereby threatening the individual right to privacy. 

The telephone has revolutionized communication, but its future is uncertain. The rise of the internet and smartphones has led to a decline in traditional phone use. At the same time, new technologies like VoIP have made it possible for people to make calls using only their computers or mobile devices. See more about this here: Technology and Phones. It is unclear what the future of the telephone will be, but it will continue to evolve. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Blog Post #3 Eight Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression 

    I believe that the eight values of free expression are important because they provide a framework for interacting with others. They give us guidelines for how to express ourselves without harming others, and how to seek out and receive information without being unduly influenced by others. When we can freely express ourselves, we can share our ideas and perspectives with others, and we can learn from them as well. We can also challenge them when we disagree, which helps to create a more robust and open society. Freedom of expression is essential for democracy and human rights, and it is something that we should all strive to uphold. 

    One of the values of free expression that resonates most with me is the protection of dissent. I believe that dissent is essential to a healthy society and that it should be protected even when it is unpopular. Allowing dissenters to freely express their views helps to ensure that all voices are heard and that new ideas can flourish. It also allows us to hold our leaders accountable and challenge them when we disagree with their policies. In short, protecting dissent is vital to maintaining a free and open society. 
    There are eight core values of free expression: accuracy, independence, fairness, balance, relevance, timeliness, diversity, and transparency. Of these values, accuracy, fairness, balance, and relevance are the ones that I feel are most important. For information to be useful, it needs to be accurate. This means that it should be based on facts and not opinions. It should also be fair, which means that all sides of a story should be represented. And finally, it should be relevant, which means that it should be about something important to the audience. These values are important because they ensure that the information, we receive is useful and trustworthy. Without them, we would be at the mercy of those who would seek to mislead us. 

    I find all eight values of free expression important, but some feel more personal to me than others. I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinions and beliefs freely, without fear of retribution or censorship. See Promoting Free Expression Without Fear Of Retribution. Additionally, I believe that all voices should be heard, and that open dialogue is essential for a healthy society. Lastly, I think it is important to protect the rights of minority groups and ensure that their voices are not silenced. 

    I think all the values of free expression are in action today to some extent. However, I particularly see the value of "uninhibited and robust debate" in the act. In our society, there is a strong emphasis on open dialogue and debate to reach the truth. People are encouraged to share their opinions and challenge others' viewpoints to learn and grow. This value is essential in a democracy, where decisions are made through reasoned discussion and debate. The other value that I see at play today is the "right to offend." In a society that values free expression, people are allowed to express controversial or offensive ideas without fear of retribution.  
    This can be seen in a way that people are allowed to speak freely on the internet, even if their views are unpopular or offensive. While some people may find this value offensive, it is essential in a free society. These are just two of the values of free expression that I see at play in our society today. I think all the values are important and necessary to maintain a free and open society. 
    In recent years, there has been a heightened debate surrounding freedom of expression. This is largely due to the increased reliance on social media ad other technologies that allow for instantaneous sharing of information. While some argue that this gives people a great platform to voice their opinions, others believe that it can lead to a form of censorship. There are a few key issues that need to be considered when thinking about freedom of expression. First, is the right to freedom of expression absolute? In other words, should people be allowed to say whatever they want without any consequences? Secondly, what are the implications of living in a society where freedom of expression is not guaranteed? And finally, what role do social media and other technologies play in all of this? The right to freedom of expression is not absolute. Certain exceptions consider the rights of others. For example, hate speech is not protected under the right to freedom of expression. This is because it has the potential to incite violence or hatred against a particular group of people. In some cases, a government official may also place restrictions on what can be said in the interest of national security. Implications of living in a society where freedom of expression is not guaranteed vary from country to country. In some places, speaking out against the government can lead to imprisonment or even death. In other countries, people may self-censor their opinions for fear of retribution from those in power. This can lead to a nation where people are afraid to speak their minds and share their opinions, which can stifle creativity and innovation. Social media and other technologies have made it easier for people to share their thoughts and opinions with a wider audience. However, these same technologies can also be used to censor or silence dissenting voices. 

For example, social media platforms may remove posts that are critical of the government or delete accounts that regularly engage in political dissent. In Chine, the government has implemented a system of internet censorship known as the Great Firewall, which blocks access to certain websites and limits what people can say online. Overall, freedom of expression is a complex issue with no easy answers. There are several factors to consider when thinking about whether or not to support it. These include the potential consequences of speaking out, the implications of living in a society where free speech is not guaranteed, and the role of social media and other technologies. 

    Social media platforms provide a unique opportunity for people to share their thoughts and ideas with a wide audience. However, these same platforms can also be used to spread misinformation and hate speech. This is where behavioral theory comes in. The behavioral theory posits that people's behavior is shaped by their environment and the people around them. In other words, people are influenced by what they see and hear on social media (Hintz, 2016). If they see a lot of negative content, they are more likely to engage in negative behaviors. So how can people use behavioral theory to reduce the spread of misinformation and hate speech on social media? 

    One approach is to create positive social norms (Hudson, 2018). For example, Facebook has implemented a "counter-speech" campaign that encourages users to speak out against hate speech. By normalizing counter-speech, Facebook hopes to reduce the overall level of hate speech on its platform. Another approach is to use social media platforms to provide accurate information. For example, a fact-checking organization like Snopes has partnered with Facebook to help identify and debunk false information. Finally, it is also important to create an environment that is welcoming to all voices. This means creating policies and procedures that protect freedom of expression while also ensuring that hateful and abusive content is not tolerated. 
    Assuming that free expression is a good thing, one theory that could help explain its importance is the marketplace of ideas. The idea behind this theory is that in an open society, the free exchange of ideas will eventually lead to the truth being discovered. This is because different ideas will compete and the best ones will eventually win out. There are a few problems with this theory, however. First, it assumes that all ideas are equally valid, which is not the case. Second, it can take a long time for the truth to be discovered in this way. But despite these flaws, the marketplace of ideas remains a helpful way to think about why free expression is so important. 

Blog Post #2 Supreme Court 


Lessons Learned about the Supreme Court 

George Washington played a vital role in the Supreme Court's creation. I learned that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which led to the Supreme Court's organization, required the court to comprise six justices who would serve until their retirement or death. (History.com Editors, 2010). I also learned that the first dispute that the Supreme Court resolved involved a financial disagreement between a cultivator and a debtor's family. Many of the Supreme Court judges were distinguished for some reason. For instance, I learned that John Marshall was a crucial figure in the history of the United States mainly because Marshall helped outline the relationship between the court and the government (History.com Editors, 2010). Another example, Marshall established the Supreme Court's authority to evaluate and decide on the legality of federal legislation passed by Congress. Conclusively, I have learned that John Marshall was the longest-serving chief justice in American History. 

Most Import Takeaway Point About the Supreme Court

The most significant takeaway about the Supreme Court relates to Earl Warren's role in multiple landmark cases. For instance, Chief Justice Warren was influential in the 1950s because his verdicts prohibited school segregation and lifted interracial marriage injunctions (History.com Editors, 2010). He was also involved in establishing the Miranda rights. The court concluded in Miranda that the police could not question a suspect in custodial questioning unless the suspect is informed of their right to remain quiet (History.com Editors, 2010). The Supreme Court cases that led to lifting the prohibition of school segregation have played a vital role in American society. Despite these attempts, some students still experience racial segregation in some US learning institutions. 

The Surprising Thing Learned 

The most surprising thing I have learned about the Supreme Court is that William Howard Taft was the only chief justice who became an American President. William Howard Taft became the twenty-seventh American President from 1909 to 1913 (History.com Editors, 2010). Another surprising discovery I have made about the Supreme Court is that Thurgood Marshall was the first justice of an African American origin (History.com Editors, 2010). Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female judge in American History, while Sonia Sotomayor was the first justice of Hispanic origin on the Supreme Court. 

           Supreme Court Building 

How the Video Changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court 

The Supreme Court's long history dates back to its origin. The article has offered comprehensive information about the Supreme Court's origin and some notable justices and court cases. I previously believed that the Supreme Court primarily dealt with constitutional affairs and other issues related to the government. However, the article has enlightened me about landmark cases that are still relevant today. The Supreme Court's involvement with racial discrimination matters, particularly lifting school segregation and interracial marriage limitations, played a vital role in American society. Before Early Warren's role in improving civil rights in the United States, the Supreme Court refuted enslaved African Americans' citizenship rights (History.com Editors, 2010). However, Earl Warren's pro-civil rights verdicts positively impacted the lives of African Americans to date. 
Other significant contributions of the Supreme Court to American society include legalizing abortion and improving the criminal justice system. The Supreme Court will also be remembered for its contributions to women and abortion. Abortion legalization has been a controversial issue that provoked contrasting opinions from different groups. Currently, the US is facing challenges due to its criminal justice inefficiencies. Hence, the Supreme Court is expected to help eliminate the inadequacies and strengthen criminal justice. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Blog Post #1 Top 5 Sources of News and Information

1. My first news source is the New York Post. The reason why I rank this one as my top news source is the majority of the time when I am searching for different news topics typically New York Post is one of the top links to appear on google. The reason why I like this news source is they typically seem to be accurate and are usually telling the whole story without being too biased. When I read their articles I feel like they are to the point and convey the information thoroughly but concisely. I would recommend this news source to someone who wants the facts and does not want to read news articles filled with "fluff." 

2. My second news source is The Wall Street Journal. This news source is my second because The Wall Street Journal focuses more on the business and financial side of the world. They have other news articles regarding politics and other topics, but they are known as financial and business-focused newspapers. I have always had an interest in the stock market so this was one news source I could rely on to learn what is going on in the world financially that could possibly affect my finances. In the past, I have noticed they have fairly accurate information and simply discuss the financial world. I would recommend this newspaper to any individual who is interested in the business and financial world. 

3. For the third news source, I use Wink News. Wink News is a local news channel in Fort Myers, Florida. Growing up in Fort Myers, this was the go-to local news station for all information covered in southwest Florida. I enjoy this local news source the most because they are the most accurate for weather predictions when it comes to hurricanes and tropical storms. They also are typically one of the first news sources to send out live traffic alerts on your phone when driving to avoid any accidents or traffic. I would recommend this news source if you live in southwest Florida because they have always been the most accurate with multiple different news topics such as weather and traffic. 

4. ABC News is my fourth choice for a news source. Typically at home, ABC World News Tonight would be on in the background just listening to different interviews of famous politicians or important news happening around the world. What is different about this news source, for me, is the other three sources produce news articles to read. But with ABC News, I only ever watch their news segments on tv. I like how they are concise with their news coverage and seem to be accurate as well. They have many interviews with important politicians and leaders in the world as well and sometimes you are able to have a better understanding of that person and what their agenda is. I would recommend this news source to an individual who is looking for a solid and credible news source to watch. They discuss the more popular and smaller, local subjects going on in the world and are decently well rounded in the topics discussed. 
5. For the fifth and final news source I use, is ESPN. I like reading and watching ESPN news to stay up to date with all current sporting events and players. My main focus is football, basketball, and hockey. Utilizing ESPN on my phone has helped me stay up to date with all the current events happening in sports. I enjoy ESPN because when I want to only focus on sports and not have to deal with politics or anything about the financial world. I can watch sports-related news shows or read articles relating purely to a specific player or sport. I would recommend this news channel to anyone who is interested in sports and wants daily updates on players, teams, and live game coverage of a specific game.