Friday, June 24, 2022

Blog Post #9 Age of AI

     The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) marked a tremendous technological revolution in solving human problems. As a result, numerous undertakings continue to rely significantly on AI and machine learning (ML), with companies drawn from various sectors embracing more complex aspects of AI and ML. However, while AI and ML offer remarkable benefits, they comprise substantial cons related to security even though the solutions lie within the same AI framework. This video is interesting and educative as it portrays how AI has transformed various industries, depicting computer superiority over humans. 

    The AI video delimits various developments aligned to AI, emphasizing its implications in the commercial industry. For instance, complex AI and ML can marshal vast amounts of data that humans can barely handle in executing a process and predict an outcome for the prosperity of a business. At the same time, AI can increase efficiency by eliminating human error, hastening data processing, and allowing prompt decision-making. The use of AI and ML to help optimize operation, foster inventions, enhance security, and improve real-time communication is the hallmark idea of interest in the film. Illustrations of how the logistics industry is evolving, particularly trucking, assert quick freight deliveries, and zero highway deaths through self-driving to reflect appropriate solutions for part of human problems through AI. Further, the video documents how AI in the medical field can help accurately predict an individual's current health state as well as a stipulated time in the future. Imitating human intelligence and replicating it in machines can advance operations requiring technological input as key industries endeavor to incorporate complex task-orientated processes. 

    The privacy aspect emerges in the video eliminating the inadequacies of AI and ML, given that multiple data breaches can become imminent, more so when AI generates unauthenticated personal data. Unfortunately, primary stakeholders and proponents of artificial intelligence are reluctant to talk about the negative side of AI and ML, including the misuse of personal data and job losses. The narrator underscores facial recognition, an aspect that comprises pros and cons correspondingly. For instance, law enforcement agencies can integrate AI when pursuing criminals through facial recognition to identify lead perpetrators. While this development is an advantage delimiting the ability to search through large databases quickly, artificial intelligence can violate privacy data policies allowing persistent surveillance procedures and attracting potential lawsuits. 

    AI and national security embody the advances that government, security agencies, and technology stakeholders have embraced to foster social stability and domestic security. The video suggests that artificial intelligence helps scan the possibility of political and civil unrest in real-time, keeping people informed and cautious of their actions and discouraging them from unlawful facial recognition technology at various points and tracking getaway cars. Conversely, state surveillance can enhance national security since AI simplifies monitoring suspicious behavior patterns. Lastly, online security and identity theft mar the image of AI considerably. However, with security advances in AI and ML learning, stakeholders have made notable progress in protecting personal information, including driver's license and social security numbers, in overcoming security challenges. The video revealed startling facts where users and third-party beneficiaries of AI and ML reluctantly embrace technological regulation withstanding the security and accountability benefits they offer. Yet, questions such as "who will talk about the negative side of AI and ML?" and "why do people dismiss technological regulations?" remain unanswered. 

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