Sunday, June 12, 2022

Blog Post #2 Supreme Court 


Lessons Learned about the Supreme Court 

George Washington played a vital role in the Supreme Court's creation. I learned that the Judiciary Act of 1789, which led to the Supreme Court's organization, required the court to comprise six justices who would serve until their retirement or death. ( Editors, 2010). I also learned that the first dispute that the Supreme Court resolved involved a financial disagreement between a cultivator and a debtor's family. Many of the Supreme Court judges were distinguished for some reason. For instance, I learned that John Marshall was a crucial figure in the history of the United States mainly because Marshall helped outline the relationship between the court and the government ( Editors, 2010). Another example, Marshall established the Supreme Court's authority to evaluate and decide on the legality of federal legislation passed by Congress. Conclusively, I have learned that John Marshall was the longest-serving chief justice in American History. 

Most Import Takeaway Point About the Supreme Court

The most significant takeaway about the Supreme Court relates to Earl Warren's role in multiple landmark cases. For instance, Chief Justice Warren was influential in the 1950s because his verdicts prohibited school segregation and lifted interracial marriage injunctions ( Editors, 2010). He was also involved in establishing the Miranda rights. The court concluded in Miranda that the police could not question a suspect in custodial questioning unless the suspect is informed of their right to remain quiet ( Editors, 2010). The Supreme Court cases that led to lifting the prohibition of school segregation have played a vital role in American society. Despite these attempts, some students still experience racial segregation in some US learning institutions. 

The Surprising Thing Learned 

The most surprising thing I have learned about the Supreme Court is that William Howard Taft was the only chief justice who became an American President. William Howard Taft became the twenty-seventh American President from 1909 to 1913 ( Editors, 2010). Another surprising discovery I have made about the Supreme Court is that Thurgood Marshall was the first justice of an African American origin ( Editors, 2010). Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female judge in American History, while Sonia Sotomayor was the first justice of Hispanic origin on the Supreme Court. 

           Supreme Court Building 

How the Video Changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court 

The Supreme Court's long history dates back to its origin. The article has offered comprehensive information about the Supreme Court's origin and some notable justices and court cases. I previously believed that the Supreme Court primarily dealt with constitutional affairs and other issues related to the government. However, the article has enlightened me about landmark cases that are still relevant today. The Supreme Court's involvement with racial discrimination matters, particularly lifting school segregation and interracial marriage limitations, played a vital role in American society. Before Early Warren's role in improving civil rights in the United States, the Supreme Court refuted enslaved African Americans' citizenship rights ( Editors, 2010). However, Earl Warren's pro-civil rights verdicts positively impacted the lives of African Americans to date. 
Other significant contributions of the Supreme Court to American society include legalizing abortion and improving the criminal justice system. The Supreme Court will also be remembered for its contributions to women and abortion. Abortion legalization has been a controversial issue that provoked contrasting opinions from different groups. Currently, the US is facing challenges due to its criminal justice inefficiencies. Hence, the Supreme Court is expected to help eliminate the inadequacies and strengthen criminal justice. 

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