Thursday, June 9, 2022

Blog Post #1 Top 5 Sources of News and Information

1. My first news source is the New York Post. The reason why I rank this one as my top news source is the majority of the time when I am searching for different news topics typically New York Post is one of the top links to appear on google. The reason why I like this news source is they typically seem to be accurate and are usually telling the whole story without being too biased. When I read their articles I feel like they are to the point and convey the information thoroughly but concisely. I would recommend this news source to someone who wants the facts and does not want to read news articles filled with "fluff." 

2. My second news source is The Wall Street Journal. This news source is my second because The Wall Street Journal focuses more on the business and financial side of the world. They have other news articles regarding politics and other topics, but they are known as financial and business-focused newspapers. I have always had an interest in the stock market so this was one news source I could rely on to learn what is going on in the world financially that could possibly affect my finances. In the past, I have noticed they have fairly accurate information and simply discuss the financial world. I would recommend this newspaper to any individual who is interested in the business and financial world. 

3. For the third news source, I use Wink News. Wink News is a local news channel in Fort Myers, Florida. Growing up in Fort Myers, this was the go-to local news station for all information covered in southwest Florida. I enjoy this local news source the most because they are the most accurate for weather predictions when it comes to hurricanes and tropical storms. They also are typically one of the first news sources to send out live traffic alerts on your phone when driving to avoid any accidents or traffic. I would recommend this news source if you live in southwest Florida because they have always been the most accurate with multiple different news topics such as weather and traffic. 

4. ABC News is my fourth choice for a news source. Typically at home, ABC World News Tonight would be on in the background just listening to different interviews of famous politicians or important news happening around the world. What is different about this news source, for me, is the other three sources produce news articles to read. But with ABC News, I only ever watch their news segments on tv. I like how they are concise with their news coverage and seem to be accurate as well. They have many interviews with important politicians and leaders in the world as well and sometimes you are able to have a better understanding of that person and what their agenda is. I would recommend this news source to an individual who is looking for a solid and credible news source to watch. They discuss the more popular and smaller, local subjects going on in the world and are decently well rounded in the topics discussed. 
5. For the fifth and final news source I use, is ESPN. I like reading and watching ESPN news to stay up to date with all current sporting events and players. My main focus is football, basketball, and hockey. Utilizing ESPN on my phone has helped me stay up to date with all the current events happening in sports. I enjoy ESPN because when I want to only focus on sports and not have to deal with politics or anything about the financial world. I can watch sports-related news shows or read articles relating purely to a specific player or sport. I would recommend this news channel to anyone who is interested in sports and wants daily updates on players, teams, and live game coverage of a specific game. 

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